So it’s your first trip to the beautiful country of (insert dream country here). You are packed, ready to go, and feeling confident. You think that you did as much research as you could on the best way to pack your things. …..

Fast foward to your first few days at your dream destination and you are frantic! “How in the WORLD did I not think to bring a waterproof phone case?” “

“I forgot to bring a beach towel! Oh but it’s going to stay wet and dirty for so long!”

“Ewwwww…. my toothbrush is at the mercy of everyone who is using the sink at any given moment!”

“Of course, my entire bottle of shampoo has busted ALL over my new beautiful leather pouch!!!!”


Does that sound familiar? Maybe it’s your biggest fear, not being prepared. I know it’s mine! I double, triple, and quadriple check everything and STILL somehow miss out on bringing what I need!!!

This is why I came up with this list of bath essentials that will cover all your basic bath needs, so you can enjoy your trip and not worry about the not-so-fun-things about travel.

Please find the essentials below, with the accompanying printable list!

Travel bottles:

Toothbrush cover:

Facial cleanser wipes:

Quick-Dry Towel:

You can download the checklist above!!

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